Question: Does inheritance play a factor on a person's epigenetic disorders?

  1. Tishan, another great question. Thanks.
    In short yes! this is something people are really interested in because we now know that changes to your epigenetics can be passed on to your children, and even their children – your grandkids.

    So with food for example, what you eat can affect your epigenetics and this can then be passed on and influence what diseases your kids and grandkids are more likely to get.

    There have been studies done in mice where if they are fed a particular diet, it can affect the coat colour of their babies, and their grand-babies. BUT more than coat colour – these babies were more likely to get fat.

    The problem we have at the moment is that we dont know what epigenetic changes cause what diseases in humans and if these changes can be reversed with diet. Its something scientists are working really hard to solve.



  1. If you’re interested in learning more about genes and genetics, visit the TechNyou site for more info:
