Question: How long do tomatoes last in room temperature?

  1. Hi bdd13

    Why don’t you do an experiment?

    I would imagine that it depends on a few things:
    1. How ripe it is when you picked it
    2. How long ago did you pick it
    3. What season is it – so what temperature is your room? 23 degrees? (that’s scientific room temp)
    4. Do you have any fruit flies around and is the tomato skin intact?
    5. Do you have hungry people around who might eat a yummy ripe tomato just sitting around?



  2. Hi bdd13,

    I can’t better Kate’s answer. Theory’s good, but sometimes it’s easier and more accurate to test it by experiment.

    But before you do an experiment, you also have to decide what you’re looking for. So before starting this experiment, you have to define how mouldy the tomato has to get before you consider it no good…

