Question: what topic in science is your favourite ?

  1. Hi ameelia and kimberley,

    At school I found learning about atoms really cool – I liked the idea that different molecules could be different shapes and that electrons have different ‘orbitals’. I dont know too much about that now though because most of my work now is about biology. Its now about the biology of cancer cells.


  2. Hi ameelia and kimberley,

    I find the HISTORY OF science fascinating.

    It’s so interesting to learn about how civilizations in different parts of the world discovered the same things before they met each other (e.g. Pythagoras’ theorem wasn’t first discovered by Pythagoras), or about how religion could be good as well as bad for science, or about how whole communities of scientists could get things so wrong or not realise things we now think are obvious (e.g. the fact that the universe is getting bigger wasn’t discovered until the 20th century).


  3. Hi ameelia and kimberley,

    I always really enjoyed learning about bacteria and viruses and how they cause disease. They are really pretty clever things! My favourite subject at uni was one where we learnt about all of the major plagues through history – and how they worked out what caused them. My favourite bacteria of all time is yersina pestus – the bacteria that caused Black Death 🙂

