Question: what cures are there for cancer...???

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  1. Hi butterflys,

    The single biggest cure for cancer would have to be surgery. If you can catch a cancer when it is small, you have a good chance of cutting it out by surgery and to be cured.

    Unfortunately, a lot of cancers are hard to catch early. This is because they are often on the inside of us, and we dont feel sick or pain for a long time after it starts growing. That’s why there are tests that people can have to check if they have certain cancers starting – like pap smears, mammograms, prostate checks and skin checks.

    If cancer is detected and it can not be cured by surgery, then often drugs can be used to try to kill the cancer cells – these are called chemotherapy drugs. Sometimes these can cure the cancer but sometimes the cancer comes back because it works out how to hide from the chemotherapy or how to survive even with the chemotherapy.

    I hope this makes sense?!

