Question: why do dogs puke??

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  1. Hi juday97

    Unlike horses, who can not vomit, dogs have a really well developed vomiting reflex. That means they can almost vomit voluntarily! (almost)
    If there is something irritating their stomach, or if they feel a bit sick you might notice they sometimes eat grass – this seems to help them vomit. Then, they have a very antisocial habit of trying to eat it again – yuk!


  2. Right… and there was I wondering if I might like to get a pet dog… :-p



  1. Because theyre pregnant.


  2. mightyducksfan101

    Great suggestion, and something I have not thought of before, but I dont think dogs actually suffer from morning sickness!


  3. Edward – luckily they don’t vomit very often! Get a dog!
